Live City

We are the City!

Self-organized boroughs and local communities – 5 years

City Picnic!

Saturday, 30.6.2018

18:00 – 21:00

Rotovški trg (Rotovž Square)


It’s clear as day that a community needs people who help shape it by opening their eyes and ears to what’s happening in their community, talking about it with their neighbours; people who know exactly what’s bothering them and what they want, and people who try to act on what they need. This is especially true in Maribor, where local policies and politics are designed without involving the people. Nobody asks us what we want, nobody hears what we have to say. Well, except when it’s election time – when they are desperate for our votes. The right to our city has been taken away from us!   

Five years have passed since neighbours began to meet at assemblies of self-organized local communities of Maribor, hell-bent on having their voice heard and considered by creators of city policies and politics, no matter the colour and shape of the ruling entity. The communities of Nova vas, Studenci, the co-joined communities of CD Center and Ivan Cankar, Radvanje, Magdalena, Tabor, Pobrežje, Koroška vrata, Kamnica, and Pekre have together held a total of 900 community assemblies, all hosted by volunteers of the City Council Initiative. Slowly but surely we are building awareness that we do have the right to decide about our city, about how our common living environment is and will be built. It is a right we must exercise if we wish for the city to serve all of us who live in it-

We will close our Lent gatherings on Saturday with a big city picnic and quiz!

Come and see how your neighbours spend their free time!

Everyone invited and welcome!


Rajzefirbčni sprehod (Rajzefiber Tour)

Maribor from bird’seye view

Saturday, 30.6.2018


Meeting point: Gosposka ulica 11 (Rajzefiber)


Rajzefiber Tours are walking tours around the city where you can get to know the stories of people, courtyards, streets, buildings, and all those hidden places our beloved Maribor is so good at hiding. Rajzefiber tour guides take you through narrow alleys, hidden stairways, forgotten courtyards, and dusty rooftops. Meet Maribor and the people of Maribor, who may perhaps be known as a bit stubborn, but we’re always hospitable, soft of heart, serious, yet still cheeky. Allow us to open the doors to our city, a city that will never cease to enchant you.

The ‘Maribor form bird’s-eye view’ tour takes you to new heights, up a narrow and winding stairway to forgotten and dusty rooftops that offer a new view of Maribor. Meet the city from a different perspective, as seen by birds. Move your feet and join us on a tour of Maribor rooftops, where we will surprise you with stories about the city you have never heard before and give you a view to kill. Bring your binoculars and you see even farther!

