Styrian Impro Three-team Competition

Expect to experience the unexperienced, fathom the unfathomable, and see that which cannot be seen.

This is the first time in history Festival Lent will be the venue of a battle between not only two, but three improv groups! Expect to experience the unexperienced, fathom the unfathomable, and see that which cannot be seen. The audience will help with suggestions and by voting on the sketches. 

Prva gimnazija Maribor High School- Rudolfovi Majstri: Lea Belšak, Vid Čuš, Blaž Gomilšek, Tamara Jesenik, Nika Ljubec, Vid Lobnik, Nika Matanović, Žiga Pigac, Janja Roškar, Irena Sovič, Eva Štingl, Patricia Županovič

Gimnazija Celje - Center - Skorbureti Celjski: Amadeja Škrinjar, Iza Robavs, Sven Rojten, Andraž Sovič, Jerneja Čerenak, Zala Jenček, Mia Zala Smrečnik, Maj Lesjak

KD Pekre – Limbuš Youth Group - Limbuš - Mali pok: Alma Adrović, Maja Vita Onič, Ilirjan Zulfaj, Martina Pfeifer, Rok Valentan, Žan Žmavc in Lucija Marković

